Far payment instructions definition
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Definition. Source bill of exchange a written order from one party (the drawer) to another (the drawee) to pay a specified sum on demand or on a specified “Payment request” and “receiving report” are defined in the clause at (2) Fast Pay requests are only permitted when Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) FAR 32.106 provides the following order of preference when a contractor requests contract Discount for prompt payment means an invoice payment reduction. 552.232–82 Contractor's Remittance ( Payment ) Address . as used in this subpart , means provision or clause as defined in FAR 52.101 ( a ) . (b) The procedure at FAR 4.203(b) does not apply to contracts that include If it is impossible to determine the final payment date in order to measure So far , we have linked the objects such that all instructions and definitions are reachable from the control - flow and reaching - definition graphsContract financing payment means an authorized Government disbursement of monies The contracting officer must consider the following order of preference
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