Klinkhammer tying instructions
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Try to make a nice tapered under body. I like a slim and well-tapered under body. · Tie in the hackle so it lies in the same orientation as the yarn. · Apply a Place the hook in the vice and wrap the entire shank with the tying thread. Return thread to thorax area. Tie in a piece of poly yarn for the post, creating a Characteristic in the Klinkhammer is hackle which is tied horizontally in the parachute style. The hackle has to be tied on the base of thread (severalTying the Klinkhammer Special The Klinkhammer is a very fiddly fly to tie, especially on smaller sized hooks, and therefore is more suited to Wind the dubbing up the hookshank creating a thin body. Stop about 1/3 of the body length from the wing post. Tying the Klinkhammer Step 9. Step
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